Community Partners:
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The city of Long Lake plays an active role in setting policy, and working to improve the water quality of Long Lake and the greater watershed. Please click here to learn more about their efforts.
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Medina preserves its rural character to the greatest extent possible, providing incentives for conservation-design and for protection of natural features. Click here to learn about good land stewardship to reduce nutrient loading to water bodies, and improving water quality in impaired lakes.
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The Philosophy of Orono: Protect and preserve Lake Minnetonka, its water quality, and its recreational assets. Protect and preserve our many natural resources and open spaces. Preserve our distinct urban and rural land use patterns and lifestyles. Preserve our local character and identity. Click here to learn more about Orono, and to find useful resources and information.
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Resources and maps of the greater watershed, as well as strategic documents regarding the water quality and efforts to mitigate declines in water quality within the Long Lake Watershed. Helpful tips for improving water quality.
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The mission of Freshwater Society is to promote the conservation, protection and restoration of all freshwater resources. Information about becoming a Master Water Steward, community clean ups, and other useful publications are available here.